Those who wish to come here will do so at their own risk. 那些想来这里的人风险自负。
Customers attempting to adapt these techniques to their own environments do so at their own risk. 客户想要在他们自己的环境中采用这些技术以完成自己的任务。
You agree that use of any information obtained via the Site or Services is at your own risk. 您同意自行承担使用经由本网站或服务所获任何资料的风险。
Your use of the service is at your own risk. 阁下使用本服务的风险须自行承担。
By using this unsupported tool, you are using them at your own risk. 通过此支持工具,需要您自担风险使用它们。
Glasses are forbidden. Soft contact lenses can be worn at the contestant's own risk. 禁止戴眼镜。可配戴软式隐形眼镜,但选手须自行承担风险。
Managers who believe the hype of a flat world do so at their own risk. 相信平面世界的广告宣传的管理者们在处理他们个人的风险时也是这样做的。
This is considered beta software, you use it at your own risk. 这被认为是测试版软件,您可以使用它需要您自担风险。
These risks stem from borrower's risk, the property developer's risk, bank own risk, the risk initiated by the loan agreement and the risk initiated by the pawn. 这些风险包括源于借款人的风险、房地产开发商的风险、银行自身的风险、借款合同引发的风险和抵押物引发的风险。
I am of good health and compete at my own risk. 我身体很好,比赛我会自担风险。
The member fully understands and agrees that the use of the service is at the subscriber's own risk. 会员完全理解并同意自行承担使用网络服务的风险。
The market is undertaking its own risk assessment of another approved primary dealer. 市场正对另一家获批的一级交易商进行自己的风险评估。
Disclaimer: Do this hack at your own risk, you may damage your phone! 免责声明:本破解方法需要您自担风险,可能会损坏您的手机!
Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. 您对本网站上的任何信息或材料的使用完全是您自己的风险,对此我们不承担任何责任。
Low social status and economic dependence prevent many women and young people ( e.g. street children) from controlling their own risk. 社会地位低下和经济依赖使得许多妇女和年轻人(如流浪儿童)无法控制自身的危险。
If you go into the cave without waiting for the guide, you do it at your own risk. 如果你不等向导就进入洞内,后果由你自己负责。
That's the advice of doctors who found that the psychological stress associated with that date may raise your own risk of dying suddenly. 表示的意见,医生发现,心理应激与该日期可能会提高你自己的死亡风险骤然降温。
Installing the update is done at your own risk. 安装该更新是做你自己的风险。
The man decided to do it at his own risk. 这人决定去做,出了事由他自己负责。
Install at your own risk. 安装在你自己的风险。
This product is free to use, but at your own risk. 该产品是免费使用,但风险自负。
A bank should organize its compliance function and set priorities for the management of its compliance risk in a way that is consistent with its own risk management strategy and structures. 一家银行应该以与自身风险管理战略和组织结构相吻合的方式组织合规部门,并为合规风险管理设定优先考虑的事项。
If you take my car, it's at you own risk. 如果你用我的汽车,你就要自担风险。
People were not unaware of the risks, but both regulation and private risk management were based on the faulty premise that if each entity looks after its own risk, no one needs to worry about systemic risk. 人们并不是没有意识到风险,但监管和私人风险管理都基于一个错误的前提,即如果每个实体都能各自管理好自己的风险,就没有人需要担心系统性风险。
You can use it, but it's at your own risk. 你可以使用它,但你要责任自负。
This is a free tool and you should use it at your own risk. 这是一个免费工具,应使用需要您自担风险。
Follow the tutorials and use at your own risk. 按照您自担风险的教程和使用。
Use the Server Edition in production, Workstation Edition at your own risk. 可以根据你的风险要求使用这个产品的服务器版本,或工作站版本。
We plan to drop go-live restriction from EULA – still use it at your own risk. 我们计划从EULA(最终用户许可协议)中删掉Go-Live限制&不过,使用它还是需要你自担风险。
That's just not true-we believe that everyone has the right to upgrade and downgrade as they please ( but at their own risk). 那不是真实的-我们相信大家作为他们需要权利升级和降低等级请(但责任自负)。